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The Tenth Kwang-Hua Forum was held at Tongji University from December 8th to 11th

The Tenth Kwang-Hua Academic Forum was held at Tongji University from December 8th to 11th. This forum, co-hosted by the College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering International Joint Research Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering Earthquake Resiliency Committee, Seismological Society of China Shanghai Engineering Research Center for Resilient Cities and Intelligent Disaster Mitigation, brought together 306 eminent experts in earthquake engineering from around the world, including 33 international and 273 domestic scholars. Distinguished attendees included academicians from the Chinese Academy of Engineering such as Professors Zheng Qinghua, Xie Lili, Ou Jinping, Zhou Fulin, Yang Yongbin, Xu Jian, Lu Xilin, Zhu Hehua, Du Xiuli, foreign members Dimitri E. Beskos, Ahsan Kareem, Billie F. Spencer, as well as academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Professors Li Jie and Li Hui, members of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences Professors Li Guoqiang and Luc Taerwe, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Professor Yuan Yong, the European Academy of Sciences Professor Li Hongnan, the Canadian Academy of Engineering Professors Carlos Ventura and Tony Yang, and members of the Japanese Academy of Engineering Professors Akira Wada, Wu Zhishen, and Xue Songtao, among many other notable scholars in the field of earthquake engineering.

Tongji University's President and academician Zheng Qinghua attended and addressed the forum's opening ceremony. Academician Zhu Hehua, director of the State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, provided an introduction to the lab. Academician Lu Xilin, chairman of the forum's academic committee, summarized and reviewed the previous nine Kwang-Hua Forums.

The theme of this year's forum was "Innovations and Implementations in Earthquake Engineering Research." It featured 117 experts (28 international and 89 domestic) who delivered presentations on topics ranging from AI applications in earthquake engineering, intelligent disaster prevention, research on resilient seismic structures, advances in structural isolation and damping technologies, latest developments in structural health monitoring, and urban resilience assessment.

Since 2008, Tongji University has successfully held nine editions of the Kwang-Hua Forum, consistently focusing on national disaster prevention and reduction needs and staying at the forefront of global earthquake engineering research. This year's forum coincided with Chinese President Xi Jinping's call for comprehensive advancement in building resilient and safe cities during his visit to Shanghai from November 28th to December 2nd. The successful completion of the Kwang-Hua Forum provided a valuable platform for representatives worldwide to showcase, share, and learn about the latest research achievements in the field of earthquake-resistant resilient cities.

Source: College of Civil Engineering